Well I have been feeling rather blah the last 4 days, and maybe even today, not sure yet, but we'll see, So as I cut My dear husbands hair this weekend, I noticed something, I didn't think I would notice, and there it was, not one but a patch of gray hair at the base of his hair, intermixed with his blond hair. I was shocked to say the least, He is not quite 32 and already its coming. It only lets me tease him more since I am 6 years younger, and I would always tease, " You old Man" But now he really is, very funny. I apologized, since I think I might have cause the gray hair growth, but I think the kids will cause mine.
Anyways since the last post, we also celebrated Aimee's 5th birthday. It is so weird to think she is getting so big, starts school in less then 2 months. We had the Kings over since those are main friends right now, and just had a little party with cake, pizza and presents. It was quick and The girls helped me decorate a little, so it was nice.

I have been doing alot of reading, studying, thinking about Improvement. In all aspects of my life alot lately, I have read a book on parenting, marriage, fitness program, and organizing. Its hard to know where to start. I think that's my biggest downfall, I get an idea and I think I must act on it right away, and then I find other things get ignored, and then I get stressed, since I'm not done with my new idea. I want to share with all of you some cool things I've learned, but just not there yet, as far as organizing, I'm still waiting to get a full fledged routine in my life going, I'm working real hard at it, but most of the time I feel overwhelmed, and just take a break, which puts me farther away from my goals. Hopefully I will figure things out soon, I'm hoping when school starts I will be able to establish a good routine for things, since I will have some structure. I seem to work better when I have time restraints, and less efficiently when I have all the time in the world. Like I planned my own wedding while working 2 jobs back to back with 3 hrs in between, but I got it done and I used the time I had efficiently, its been hard trying to do that with the kids, wanting to just play and hang out with them, but always thinking I have something else O could be doing or should be doing. Anyways great Month coming up, I'm sort of excited for the next 2 months, My baby will turn 1 on Sunday, then Father's day, then my Emily will turn 3, and then we travel to CA to visit family for the 4th and then come home and Aimee starts school 10 days later and Then Mark has his birthday the very next day after school starts. so filled up next couple of months. What has got me through the last few years of childbearing is having big goals to look forward to, like baby's being born, trips, family visits...Anything to countdown to, helps me. Maybe it might help you too.
1 comment:
Have you heard the story of the little girl that asks her mom why she has some gray hairs...the mom says everytime you do something bad, I get gray hairs. The little girl then tells her mom that her Grandma's head is full of gray hair and that her mom must have been really bad!
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