Well I'm late in posting, but oh well This last month has been one of many tests, I have recently been going to my GYN to find out why I have not had "Aunt flow come to visit" Since I have stopped Nursing back in Nov. So they did some tests and blood work and Ultrasounds and found out that I have a condition called PCOS, or Poly cystic Ovarian Syndrome.- mainly means I have lots of cysts on both ovaries. FUN, FUN there are other things related I some hormones levels that are high, insulin, my Uterus has an abnormally thick layer of lining, that has not been shed, every month. Anyways, I had to have an Endometrial biopsy to see if it was cancer or another condition called Hyperplasia. But as of Wednesday, the doc said my results came back normal, so I am on progesterone to stimulate my period, and to help it shed the lining, also taking some diabetic pill, that is supposed to help the insulin level drop, and thus making the hormones return to normal. If u want to look into more about PCOS, here is a great link: http://www.4woman.gov/FAQ/pcos.htm
So with that, I will move onto the weekend. We started the eventful weekend by going on a double date with our friends Jenna and Corey, we went to dinner at Chili's and then went Miniature Golfing, (man we felt so old there), we haven't done that for a very long time. Then Saturday Mark too the girls shopping and I walked around other stores, ALONE, it was great. Then Sunday we went to church and Mark made homemade pizza, which was very good and our favorite Baker's Trifle. I opened presents and we had a enjoyable evening.
It is kinda weird to have Both Mother's day and a Birthday on the same day, but if I wasn't a mom, it would be even weirder. But I am very grateful to my sweet Husband for doing his best to give me such a special day. With young kids, it was put all on him, but it was nice to not have to deal with the kids bickering. I feel so blessed to be granted a honorable priesthood holder, who thinks the world of me and loves me unconditionally, excess baggage and all. I hope all you Mother's out there had a Special day with your family.

Wow Marin ... do you have ANY idea how lucky you are to have those children when you have PCOS? I have many friends with is who have never been able to conceive. Makes me think how blessed you are!
The good news is that you found out and can take steps to get PCOS under control. I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2002. Being a syndrome it is different for everyone, but I have some experience with it.
Hang in there! I know all about PCOS. It is what has kept me from having children. My sister has it and it is so severe that at 18 she knew she would never have her own children and my aunt has it and she was never blessed with chidren of her own either. What a blessing that you have had three beautiful children.
I'm always here if you need to chat.
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