Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Halloween and Historic elections

So I thought I'd share some Halloween Pics, But I thought I'd share my own thoughts with the election results. I have really mixed feelings about the results of President, but I am very happy the marriage amendments in Florida, California and Arizona. I am very pleased with the citizens of those states, that they banned together to keep marriage the Way Heavenly Father created it. But I still feel uneasy by Obama's election, and all the lies said by the campaign and the media. Lets just hope we all can recommit to making our own homes and families strong despite the world's persuasions. If we stay close to the Lord, he will not forget his children and will help us get through these last days.


Knudson said...

M. put very well! we are still praying in CA that they will fianlize the yes so we can all pray for thanks! I love the halloween pics you make a great pirate!

Laura Keith said...

you are one scary looking pirate! I'd be running from you if you came down a dark alley at me! I hope and pray there is no way for prop 8 to go down now. The courts always seem to find a way in the end, and I don't want to see that happen again.

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