(Please forgive my political rant, I will post a nicer, blog soon, but I had to get this out)Well, as the historic inaugural day approached, I was mainly unimpressed by the media's obsession with the event. But I found myself brought to tears a few times during the actual "swearing in". Not because of Obama, but because of what it signified the dignified way our country transfers over power. I love our country and I love this land of freedom. I am deathly afraid of what will happen when radical people become leader and are given close to " unlimited power".
I turn to the scriptures to justify my opinion, and try to find a way to cope with the present situation
From the New testament
22) For in those days there shall also arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders, insomuch, that, if possible, they shall deceive the very elect, who are the elect according to the covenant. Matt 24:24 (JSH-M 1:22)
Matt. 7: 15
15) Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
And from the Book of Mormon
2 Ne. 25: 18
18) Wherefore, he shall bring forth his words unto them, which words shall judge them at the last day, for they shall be given them for the purpose of convincing them of the true Messiah, who was rejected by them; and unto the convincing of them that they need not look forward any more for a Messiah to come, for there should not any come, save it should be a false Messiah which should deceive the people; for there is save one Messiah spoken of by the prophets, and that Messiah is he who should be rejected of the Jews.
4 Ne. 1: 34
34) Nevertheless, the people did harden their hearts, for they were led by many priests and false prophets to build up many churches, and to do all manner of iniquity. And they did bsmite upon the people of Jesus; but the people of Jesus did not smite again. And thus they did dwindle in unbelief and wickedness, from year to year, even until two hundred and thirty years had passed away.
Now a lot of those scriptures scare me, because they seem very similar to our day. Listening to Rush Limbaugh lately for words of advice and understanding, I was moved by a unplanned monologue he gave in response to a caller comparing his listeners to the followers of Obama. Here is the exert:
Here's the problem...I don't run the country. I'm not trying to tell people, I'm not trying to come up with policies that are going to require people to live the way I damn well want 'em to. I'm not the one coming up with plans telling them what they can do and when they can't do it, how much they have to give me, Obama, to make sure everybody else is happy. I'm taking nothing from anybody. I'm giving nobody anything. I cannot raise their taxes. I cannot redistribute their wealth. I cannot deny people their earnings. I cannot rearrange society. I cannot proclaim this group of people unfair and those people need to be gotten even with. I can't pick winners and losers in this country. I can't tell you that you deserve to lose some so somebody else can win some. Obama has that power, and, my brother, he wants that power, he wants to be able to pick winners and losers.
I deal in ideas. I inspire people to think. I inspire people to be positive and optimistic because I believe that's the way life is enjoyed, and that's the way people get things done. Obama is inspiring people to sit down and wait for help from Washington. I already see what has happened to a whole population of people who have been for 50 years, sitting around and waiting for help from Washington. Their families are destroyed. They are single mothers, they are drug-infested neighborhoods in which they live in, and they have no hope. Because for 50 years they have been sitting around and waiting for help from Washington. And every four years they complain about the lack of help from Washington arriving. And the people promising the help from Washington, blame it on people like me because we are racist, sexist, bigot, homophobes who are holding those people who need help from Washington back. I seek no power over people. I seek people to have and own their own power and their own confidence and their own optimism. I seek to have people realize that they live in the greatest country on earth and it's the greatest country on earth because of them, not a single figure, not a personality, not a celebrity, not a single hero.This country is an idea that is bigger than any mortal individual. I can punish nobody. I cannot reward anybody. I cannot close a prison
where terrorists are housed and let them go and call it national security. I cannot meet with Hugo Chavez or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and claim, in doing so, that I'm making them my friend. I can't do anything Obama can do. I don't want that kind of power. That kind of power invested in one person who believes he has it scares the hell out of me. And you compound that fright with the fact that so many people do not have the guts, the strength, the education to resist the tug of popular sentiment, and we have a nation of lemmings believing lie after lie after lie, myth after myth after myth, liberal idea, failed liberal idea, failed liberal idea after failed liberal idea. I don't compel anything. I don't try to confuse people.
I simply turn on the Golden EIB Microphone and share my honest passions and beliefs with people. And they're free to go elsewhere. They're free to ignore; they're free to believe; they're free to be entertained, I don't care. They're free to do whatever they want. But a lot of people aren't free to smoke cigarettes where they want; they're not free to drink where they want; they're not free to eat the kind
of food they want to eat; they're not free to eat trans fats; they're not free to drive certain places. Pretty soon we're going to be told what kind of cars we have to drive. I can't cause that. I can't restrict anybody's freedom. We've elected a guy who can, does, and wants to, all under the guise of saving us. So I appreciate the effort, and I appreciate somewhat losing my temper here. But don't compare me ever to an authoritarian who thinks so little of people that without him they can barely breathe on their own. Don't ever do that.
A similar article on Originally Published on Wednesday January 21, 2009 by disk morris, goes into more detail about the socialism aspect

Well I can not stop my thoughts, from thinking about WW2 and Nazi Germany. Those who know me well, know I really love WWII genre and especially Nazi stuff, Not that I like it, I am just intrigued by just act being allowed to take place, So I study it as much and often as I can. Anyways, I have been seeing a very similar situation take place on our country and over the last few years take place that reminds me of Germany just before Hitler came to power. I see the similarities in this, the German people were left destitute from WWI, they were in a type of depression all on their own. Left embarrassed by the Treaty of Versailles, and left with little to no hope for their future. So Here come Hitler, and he speaks, well, has radical ideas, creates a scapegoat to Germany's problems, and slowly infests his way to total dictatorship. And with that power, became one of the scariest people on the planet ever to live. and then proceeded to kill between 9-11 million people. The German people were desperate for a leader and just wanted a better life for their families and their country and Hitler gave that to them in many ways.
Now Obama has killed anyone or even said he would, but I see the same similar early beginnings of the same things. Our economic situation is scaring being into submission and are making judgments based on emotion and not their minds. Hitler killed intellectuals and thinkers, cause they were considered a threat. I wonder if Obama would do anything similar by forcing people to lose or cloud their intellect. He is promising the world and many are buying into it. He wants to take our liberties away, he wants to make our country vulnerable to attack, just to impress other Countries leaders. He wants to put everything we hold morally right in the trash. And wants to put anyone that opposes him in the dark, in order to boost his popular ego.
I feel we should not just sit back and Put all Our trust in the Lord, as u can see from my previous scriptures, The Lord says beware of those that seek to deceive you, and he will not just step in and fix things, he gave us free agency and we have to live with our choices, I myself am not completely sure what to do, but I do know I will not let myself get complacent and just sit back and watch the country fall into another Nazi Germany. If anyone knows of ways we can help fight the wave of liberalism.
I guess My hope would be that If we can solidify that Christ centered foundation in our lives and those of our families, that The Lord will bless our families despite the world around us. Keep the faith, but don't let down your guard.
I agree in that I see similarities between the praise and hallelujah choruses that everyone seems to be singing about Obama and Hitler's rise to power. However, I hope that because of the principles of freedom that this country was founded on that what happened in Nazi Germany will not happen here, that if Obama starts to go power-crazy, enough solid-minded people in Congress will be able to reign him in. I do think that people who are "rejoicing" over an elected president the same way they would if it were the Second Coming are gravely mistaken to be so jovial. They can be happy, but to act like he's the one and only savior for their problems is very wrong, almost blasphemous. Heavenly Father cannot bless a nation that has fallen into such grievously sinful ways, and there is much wickedness, just watching how much media hype Obama is given is a reminder of this wickedness. It's pathetic, actually.
I know that Christian and I are up-in-arms and plan on writing a lot of letters. I'm not scared though because we have been told not to be fearful but prepared. You go girl!
Hi Maren! It's Carrie Dunn Allen. I stumbled across your blog while I was blog browsing. It's so good to see what you're up to - very cute family by the way! And about the Obama stuff, AMEN sister! I say follow the prophet and pray for the best. Come see us on our blog - carrieandcompany.blogspot.com
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