I would like to take a minute and talk about the great calling of Missionaries. Not the typical 18 and 21 year old, but the mom's and dad's, and grand parents, and great grandparents, who go out and serve the Lord. My wonderful in-Laws entered the MTC yesterday for a 23 month long mission. I am so grateful to have them part of my life, they have helped Mark and I in countless ways, that its hard to comprehend sometimes. They have raised a great son, who I love more then anything in this world. He treats me so well, and has such respect for his parents, I'm in awe every time I witness it. He truly was..." born of goodly parents." The entire Graff family, I know will be blessed as their Parents and grandparents serve the Lord in Guatemala.
I have never been in a family that was able to receive the blessings from having a missionary go out and serve. So I am wondering what the Lord has in store for us in these next 2 years. Mom and Dad are such great examples to us, and it would be so good of us to follow in their footsteps. I know I look forward to the time Mark and I will go, since I never served a mission.
We will miss seeing them and talking to them, but thank goodness for emails, we will be able to get updates on their progress. Speaking for our family, we will miss them greatly and I know the kids will too. My only hope is my Cady will remember them in 2 years since she is only 14 months old.
Every Good Thing
5 years ago